October 16, 2012

Unhealthy oranges - 15/10/12

So the tale begins a couple of weekends ago, when I was in Kinsale with family. We happened to go into a chocolate shop called Koko, and someone nice bought me chocolate covered orange slices.
 As we were exchanging mooney for tasty chocolate, the man in the shop said 'I've just crystallised those oranges the other day, so they're nice and fresh'

And I ate the chocolate orange slices, and they were tasty, and I fancied some more, only I don't go to Kinsale very often.
So I thought, 'maybe I could crystallise some orange slices? Sure it's only sugar'
I found some useful instructions on this blog post on how to crystallise the oranges.
(The conversion I used gave 1.5 cups water to be 350ml, half a cup granulated sugar to be 95g. Those amounts are for one orange but you'd probably only want to do one orange at a time unless you owned a chocolate shop!)

And so I bought an orange, some tasty chocolate and some sugar and had a go.

The water & sugar took longer to come to the boil than I thought, and I probably should have used a flatter frying pan rather than a big saucepan to make it easier to turn the slices over, but here are some tasty sugary orange slices after they've cooled:

The house smells of oranges!

They are very sticky
 Then today (I crystallised the oranges yesterday) I melted some tasty Green & Black's Maya Gold (which already is orangey & spicy & tasty) and dipped the oranges in it, then dipped them in sugar to stop them being so sticky.
One tasty chocolate orange slice
Lots of tasty chocolate orange slices
 So here is how to make oranges unhealthy! Just add 100g sugar, 350ml water, and about 70g chocolate. Hopefully they're as tasty as I think they will be.